Health Policy Advisor, African Medical and Research Foundation, AMREF
Rispah Walumbe is a Global health specialist, focused in advocacy and healthcare policy at a national, regional, and global level. Her training are in Healthcare Policy and Financing, and currently practices as a Health Policy Advisor at Amref Health Africa, working in advocacy and technical support including the advancement of the Universal Health Coverage agenda. Her advocacy experience, which she began as a medical student, stretches from the local to the global stage on matters ranging from health to social protection and the youth agenda. As a student she has lobbied for the rights of youth at the Open Working Groups for the Sustainable Development Goals in New York where she delivered an intervention from youth all over the world. She has supported, trained, and mentored over 200 healthcare workers across Kenya in Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care services, and trained over 100 public health practitioners in healthcare policy. Her recent portfolio includes leading the secretariat for National Hospital Insurance Fund health financing reforms panel in Kenya for Universal Health Coverage through the Ministry of Health and lending her technical expertise to the organisation and coordination of the secretariat at the AHAIC Commission on the State of UHC in Africa.