2 days | 60+ Speakers | 7 Panels | A CALL TO ACTION to G20 Leaders, Health and Finance Ministers
The annual Health20 Summit on 1-2 September 2021, hosted by The G20 Health and Development Partnership, will be held virtually this year inviting G20 Policymakers, International Organisations, the Global Health Community, Economists, Civil Society and Academia to join discussions and make concrete recommendations to G20 Health Ministers ahead of their summit about the future of global health crisis management and financing.
The costs of mitigating COVID-19 by 2025 are estimated at USD 22 trillion, as noted by the recent G20 High-Level Panel for Financing the Common Goods for Pandemic Preparedness and Response, with USD12 trillion having already been spent by G20 countries. In light of this massive burden on our economies, the G20, the WHO and many other global initiatives have been created during the last 18 months to tackle this pandemic, revive societies and economies and prevent us from a future pandemic shock.
Under the theme Countdown To 2030 – Turning G20 Health Declarations Into SDG3 Actions and Results, the H20 summit in support of the G20 Presidency of Italy, will discuss what the global community has achieved in managing COVID-19 and compare and analyse existing G20 initiatives to assess how we can leverage the many initiatives and turn them into concrete actions.
The “call to action” recommendations following from the H20 summit will be shared with G20 Health Ministers ahead of their meeting on 5-6 September 2021. This unique two-day platform offers the global health community, G20 and global policymakers, the civil society and the private sector an opportunity to bridge the disconnect in global health diplomacy and work in partnerships aligned with the UN SDG Goal 17 to face future challenges together and bridge the existing financing gap to revive and strengthen societies and economies.
High-level speakers, including policymakers and experts in global health and finance will discuss 1) What lessons we have learnt from this pandemic and how we can leverage innovations in R&D and Digital Health Technologies to achieve the UN 2030 targets 2) How we can build sustainable mechanisms to prevent the emergence of future health emergencies such as NCDs, AMR and neglected tropical diseases 3) How we can bridge the disconnect between parliamentarians, governments and the global health community for healthier societies and economies, by improving transparency and strategic oversight mechanisms for health spending.
This event will also launch its first G20 Parliamentary Council, formed by Parliamentarians with a background in Finance, Health, Development and Foreign Affairs to discuss how Parliaments can implement annual reviews for pandemic preparedness in the same fashion as its being done for defence budget spending. The goal of the Parliamentary Council will be to draft recommendations towards the G20 Health Ministers Meeting on how such an annual budgetary overview can be implemented. Parliamentary Council Members include Sandro Gozi MEP (European Parliament); Dame Angela Eagle DBE (UK); Elmar Brok (Germany); Peter Liese MEP (European Parliament); Rudolf Henke (Germany); Didier Baichère (France) and Donatella Conzatti (Italy).